How-To “TBL”
Welcome to the Official TBL “How-To” page, here you will find everything you need to be able to join in on the fun! It might look all very confusing at first but trust me.. it’s stoner friendly!
Lets start off with our Twitch Chat Minigames!
We have a few Minigames in the Chat to play! ALL minigames accept “Nug” Tokens. Lurking and getting involved in the community is the fastest way to gain Nugs
!bank – View your Hours / Total Bank Amount
!luck – +1 Luck
!give NAME AMOUNT – Give another member some Nugs! (Costs 420 Nugs to Give)
!smoke NAME – 1 v 1 Smoke Offs (Costs 2000 Nugs)
!fish – Monthly Fishing Competition (Try and claim that #1 spot) 315 Second Cooldown
!Fishboard – Links you to the TBL FishBoard (LINK)
!top / !top10 – Shows the Nug Leaderboard
!gamble AMOUNT – (max 9m, If you Roll 710 you win the JACKPOT!) 150 Second Cooldown
!gamble nugjar – (Shows total Jackpot, 7% of Loses goes into Pot)
!heist AMOUNT – Bank Heist! (max 10m TOTALLY RANDOM) 10 Minute Cooldown
!grow – Chat Growing Competition! (Try and claim that #1 Spot!) 720 Second Cooldown
!growboard – Links you to the TBL Growboard (LINK)
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