Last seen: Aug 15, 2020
super chill community that gives to one another. Goats, Goats 22 tier 2 Canada!
I'd like to grow GMO, memberberry, icecream cake, wedding cake and dosidos this summer! Goats22 Tier 2 Twitch sub Canada GL all!
Found TBL on Twitch Goats Goats22 tier 2 Country CAD LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!
what i like most about the community is that it doesn't matter what experience level you have with growing, you are welcome to participate, share and ...
i am Goats from discord and found you on twitch!
for sure they're still quality. i haven't seen anyone who ordered from king brite or meijiu complain as of yet. do those vendors offer warranties? wil...
i went with a HLG (600H), but i have heard nothing but good things about that alibaba vendor on a few forums. i believe they use slightly lesser quali...