Last seen: Apr 29, 2021
yesterday I put the seeds in water and started the journey!
Ya even my LP isn't selling the same quality and pricing I was used to prior to legalization. Whats on their site now is crap imho and now they sell t...
awesome thank you for the idea!
I'm sure you'll be involved quite a bit LOL I still have lots to learn from you sensei
Here is the Mix as written by ClackamasCoots: Equal parts of Sphagnum peat moss, some aeration deal (pumice, rice hulls, lava rock - whatever is sitti...
This Recipe is inspired by and credited to Mr. "ClackamasCoots" aka "LumperDawgz"
Np I have been considering a No Till myself and was talking in a stream with someone. They sent me this video. I'm just educating myself on it and rea...
Oh I have no plans of going any where LOL I am already wondering if I should hold off selling my house and maybe try a quick op and a first try. but k...