Last seen: Apr 29, 2021
awesome great video !
looking good!!
All the girls planted the same time WW 2 and WW 3 are doing amazing WW1 and WW4 seem to have their struggles. With Cal/Mag and Ph balancing I'm hoping...
Day 21 MC - 299 water - 125 ml per temp 24 -25 RH 54 - 55% lights - 21 "
Day 19 I've checked my PH levels with strips. Added PH Down and its now floating under the 6.2 reading. Also added Cal/Mag to the feeding today. That...
and on the 18th day there was ppm 302!! Tested the ph today with strips read between 6.2 to 6.8 color being closer to the 6.2.
big thx to Derek for keeping me on track!
day 17 ppm 201 water - 100 ml per plant temp 24-25 rh - 54 -55 % lights @ 20"
I cant wait for mine !! that nug looks sexy!
Day 15 noticed some brown spotting on #4WW
she is definitely growing fast!
bye bye males!
Day 14 Lowered light to 24" inches. #3 WW aka Stretch seemed to straightened out. Nutes are at 99ppm
Day 13 still 69 pmm thou thinking a couple of the girls could goa bit higher. WW#4 is still a little behind. WW #2 and WW #3 seem to be doing around t...
Nice haul guys!!
What a great informative video. Thank you for taking the time 🙂
very interested in seeing how this goes. It could be the way I do a future crop.
A bit behind but ya on day eight I started 69 ppm! I just gave it its first watering. I had been using straight bottled water 1ppm until now
The tap root didn't take very long. I planted the girls on 4/17 in the jiffy cups. today I moved them to the 5g fiber pots.
I think my Affinity is accurately reading it. Therma Pro matches its reading. The damn Ink Bird I don't get thou lol I now have my HD of 2 and a DD of...
HAHAHA I bought one of those with my Humidifier. It took me a while of tinkering to figure it out too lol. I find thou maybe its me that is not as acc...
Well I got my light yesterday! Its up and ready to go! I have to admit I am very impressed with the quality of my CGE Max300 S1 But ummm Ryan...
WOW … that looks amazing. Well done!! I just started my WW journey and like the looks of this for sure. Very inspiring thank you for posting!! I'm smi...