You've got your Seeds, now do you just plant in your growing medium and hope for the best...... No.. Here is the best way to Germinate your Cannabis seeds with high success rates.
1 ) Take your Seeds and let them float in a cup of water, I usually keep mine in a dark place like a cabinet.
?Cannabis Live Grow :
Ah, 3 above answers the question I posted in my grow thread: thanks!
With regards to your note about not stressing auto plants, my growshop suggested putting them in Jiffy pellets in a propagator: can I then just put the pellet into the final grow pot?
Ah, 3 above answers the question I posted in my grow thread: thanks!
With regards to your note about not stressing auto plants, my growshop suggested putting them in Jiffy pellets in a propagator: can I then just put the pellet into the final grow pot?
When I mentioned "Not to stress Autoflowers" I mean Autoflowers do better in Final pot from the germinating. If you use Jiffy pots or Pellets you aren't really stressing the plant out as the roots are never harmed when transplanting that way.
Here is what I do! Plant the seed into Jiffy Pots (Not Pellets) and plant the full seedling with The Jiffy pot into my final pot. The Jiffy pot will decompose within 2 weeks - 3 weeks allowing the roots to expand into the final pot.
?Cannabis Live Grow :