Strain: Nuken 80% Indica (seems to grow like a sativa though)
Veg time: 60 days
Flower time: 8 to 10 weeks
Just transplanted into 7 gallon, Left them in 1 liter pots abit too long, but they'll turn right around.
Little bit too much Nitrogen at this stage, I give straight water & Calmag for 3 waterings while the plants absorb nutes from the soil. (My base nutrient is 50% organic, so build up may occur.)
Excess Nitrogen all gone and the girls are Happy as can be.
Lower pruning view (Lollipop) About to flip into flower.
Approximately 3 weeks into flower
co2 has been set @ 800 minimum to 1050 max PPM
Approximately 4.5 weeks into flower
Approximately 5 weeks into flower
co2 has been set @ 950 minimum to 1300 max PPM
Week 7, flushed once with flawless finish so far. 9 liters of water each.
9 weeks into flower and 2 weeks of flush the ladies get brought down. Turned out decent considering I neglected them abit due to working too much. They got alot of minimal care Q.Q poor girls..